How to Successfully Network via Social Media

When it comes to using social media as a networking tool, many professionals tend to back away. I hear, “it’s too complicated,” or “this is a waste of my time.” There is a belief that posting to social networks can be like yelling into a wind tunnel. While each of those laments may be true…

News Release: Lantern Partners selected to recruit a new Chief Operating Officer for Golden Apple Foundation

CHICAGO – Lantern Partners, a retained senior executive recruiting firm, is currently recruiting a Chief Operating Officer (COO) for its pro bono client, the Golden Apple Foundation. The Golden Apple Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to inspire, develop, and support teacher excellence in Illinois, especially in schools of need. Founded nearly 30 years ago and with…

What The Economist Doesn’t Understand About Recruiting

I recently read with great interest (that’s my politically correct term for dismay and palm-to-forehead confusion) an article in the revered periodical The Economist, about the struggles of my former employer and downward trends in the senior executive recruitment industry. This article was referred to me by my mother-in-law, who read it and then immediately…

The Rise of the T-suite

Because all business goals are supported by technology in some way, company leaders need to have perspective on, a vision for, and competencies in technology to feel comfortable making technology-related decisions as they relate to marketing, security, and more. This leads to one vital question all CEOs must answer: Are you recruiting your C-suite to…

4 Business and Leadership Lessons My Parents Taught Me

Some of the greatest lessons our parents teach us aren’t delivered as family-friendly sitcom monologues, with a sentimental soundtrack playing in the background. Instead, they often come in more mundane moments, as we watch their lives unfold everyday. My biological parents divorced when I was five years old, and discovered new mates early, so I…

The Resume Is Not Dead

  Along with the rise in popularity of the online profile have also come rampant declarations of “The resume is dead!” Though LinkedIn’s quest to serve as the next-generation resume — digital, readily accessible and easily updatable — may be a hit for many job seekers, it seriously misses the mark for senior-level executives. Why? Because it’s…

Should You Be A C-Suite Blogger?

People choose to blog for a variety of reasons, ranging from having a creative outlet to aiming for direct business and marketing objectives. A C-suite executive has business insights (hopefully) that many will find interesting, and if he or she can put those ideas into consistently engaging posts that educate, inform, and inspire readers, then…

Why We Chose The Name Lantern Partners

  Inspired by a story about the Greek philosopher Diogenes the Cynic, the name Lantern Partners has significant meaning to those of us at the company. As the ancient tale goes, Diogenes — a philosopher who was skeptical about the existence of truthful people – was well known for wandering about Athens in broad daylight…